Thursday, November 11, 2010

::the oldest daughter:: shhh, it's a gift...

Just kidding. I know that only the four of us look at this blog!
I finally finished the little baby quilt that I started way back when I first showed my turquoise and orange quilt. Chad started harassing me last week about unfinished gifts, namely a baby quilt I started when another sister-in-law was pregnant. The baby was walking and talking before Mom took the quilt home to finish for me! So, his teasing got me in gear and last week, I finished it up.
I tried to do some machine quilting, wonky style. It was definitely wonky. I made squares like snail shells, does that make sense? One inside of each of the blocks in the strip down the middle, three down the narrow side, and two huge ones on the wide side. There was nothing quilted in the solid brown, and though I didn't notice it before, this picture tells me that was NOT a good idea! I also still don't know how to do a binding, so I did a cheater binder with the back of the quilt. Soooooo many flaws that I was tempted to point out in a letter, but I refrained.
I finished it just as our nephews were coming to visit, so I washed it up, hung it out to dry, and enlisted their help for holding it in the picture. Not as good as I would have liked, but still pretty cute. (The back is a pink with brown polka dots, just like the front).



Anonymous said...

V. here...This quilt is great!!It is more modern sophisticated form of baby quilt. Love the brown and pink together. Great fabric choices.

blackstarmonkey said...

that's CUTE! which kiddle was it for?