Thursday, October 7, 2010

::spotlight:: Eagle Patriotic 1976

The top was a gift from Anita and was made by one of the Cherry Creek ladies. It's a combination of quilting and tying when we lived in the two-story house north of Lawton. It has to be seen to be appreciated. The colors are red, white and blue with a tan eagle and yellow stars. The center square is hand quilted. I quilted around each star and around the eagle. What you cannot see are the hand quilting details of the eagle's feathers and also the eagle heads on hte borders around the stars. (Point of interest is that artistic Grandad drew the markings inside the eagle and made the pattern of the eagle head for the border.)

I had repaired two places on the quilt (remember to search for them on your next trip here), had washed it and hung it under the carport on my clothesline. When the husband came back from the north farm, he said it looked totally gorgeous from the road.

-The Gramma


liso. said...

Gramma, I just love this quilt AND this picture of it!

I'm excited that you sent this one in especially because I was hoping this would be a place to share quilts that have already been made, too!

ps. Sorry I took so long to get it posted.
pps. Thanks for the sweet postcard!

Anonymous said...

V. here...I Just love this quilt and I am so glad you took the time and care to repair it. It is a gem!!Oh I wish I could see it from the road. I can just imagine how totally eye catching and gorgeous it really was. It truly is a quilt that has to be seen to be appreciated! Lots of love