I tried to find a block that would go with the pumpkin blocks. I finally found this white picket fence pattern in an old Thimbleberries book. 
I pieced them all together and made a Table Runner with pumpkins and a picket fence. Do you think they go together?

I pieced them all together and made a Table Runner with pumpkins and a picket fence. Do you think they go together?

I worked feverishly to finish this table runner to take to my Jane Austen meeting in Sept. We always have a raffle at the end of the meeting to make some money for a speaker once a year. This fall table runner was to be my contribution. I only needed to sew on the binding. Can you see the green fabric with little bees that I chose for the binding? I took the table runner to the meeting and decided I would sew the binding on during the meeting and add it to the raffle at the end. Our meeting focused on excerpts that illustrated the wit of Jane Austen. We met at a tea shop and I drank water, but had the best cherry Danish pastry that I've ever tasted. It was fun and I sewed that binding like crazy, but at the end of the meeting only half was finished! Sooooo, I just folded it up, placed it in my bag, brought it home, and placed it on my table!

so cute, Mom!
...and it's kind of great that you got to keep it!?!
uhhhh, somehow i missed this. but i remember the story.
that is KAH-YUTE mom.
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